Instructions for Your Web Project

1. Check Software Requirements

  • Ensure that Visual Studio Code (if necessary) is installed on your computer.
  • If you don’t have it, you can download it here.

2. Locate Your Assigned Country

  • Open the PDF file titled Students and Recipes.pdf.
  • Find the country assigned to you.

3. Research a Recipe

  1. Using a search engine, find a recipe from your assigned country.
    - You may use the suggested recipe in the third column of the Students and Recipes PDF or select a different one.
  2. If you select a different recipe, update the Word document shared in the General channel.

4. Gather Content

  • Copy 500–700 words of content related to the recipe you’ve chosen.
  • Find a YouTube video about the country or the recipe and include it on your website.

5. Read the Web Project Instructions

  • Open the PDF file titled Web Project Instructions.pdf.
  • Read it thoroughly to understand the design and functionality requirements for your website.

6. Create Your Website

  1. Use HTML and CSS to build your website.
  2. Follow the specifications outlined in the Web Project Instructions document.
  3. Your website must include 15 design elements as described in the document.

7. Organize Your Files

  • Create the following folder structure for your project:

8. Compress Your Project

  • Once your website is complete, compress the entire webproject folder into a ZIP file.
  • Name the ZIP file

Steps to Compress the Folder:

  • On Windows:
  • Right-click the folder and select Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder.
  • On macOS:
  • Right-click the folder and select Compress "webproject".

9. Submit Your ZIP File

  • Ensure that your ZIP file includes all necessary files and folders from the webproject folder.
  • Submit the file as instructed.