Unit 0. Introduction
0.1. Introduction to AI, Programming and Robotics
Introduction to AI
Unit 1. Sensors and AI
Sensors and AI: Fundamentals and Applications
1. Learning: Biological Systems and AI
Learning in Biological Systems: Decisions and Free Will
Learning, AI, Programming, and Robots
✏️ Exercises
2. Sensors, typology and applications
Types of sensors
3. Fundamentals of AI
Fundamentals of AI
Decision Trees
Big Data
Neural Networks
4. Basic techniques of AI
Expert systems
Neural networks
Machine learning
5. Automatic information processing
Automatic information processing
Project Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock
0. The Project
1. The Game
2. Graphics and Animation
3. Logic and Flow Control
4. Final Version and Testing
Tutorial: Rock, Paper, Scissors
Activities & Projects
A01. Learning in Biological Systems
A02. Title
A03. Title
Criterios de evaluación
Artificial Intelligence, Programming and Robotics (I) - 2.º ESO
Unit 1. Sensors and AI
Sensors and AI: Fundamentals and Applications
Unit 1. Sensors and AI: Fundamentals and Applications
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